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Keystone Educational Collaborative

John Demanche, M.Ed, BCBA, LABA
Executive Director

2 Shaker Road, Suite D215
Shirley, MA 01464

Phone Number

Fax number

Records Access Officer-Public Records Law:  Due to the new public records law taking effect on January 1, 2017, a Records Access Officer (RAO) has been designated for Keystone as John Demanche.  Please send all public records requests via email, postal mail or verbally to jdemanche@kecg.org , John Demanche, 2 Shaker Road, Suite D215, Shirley, MA 01464 or (978)425-0310.

Title IX Coordinator is John Demanche, Executive Director. Email: jdemanche@kecg.org,
2 Shaker Road, Suite D215, Shirley, MA 01464 or 978-425-0310.